Romantic Blessings: Shower Your Spouse with Sensual Sweetness & Grace

Romantic Blessings: Shower Your Spouse with Sensual Sweetness & Grace

“Showers of blessings, showers of blessing we need…”

You may have heard this old hymn that pleads for a downpour of blessings from “the Savior above”.

We all covet blessings from God, but how many of us make a point to shower blessings on others? Our spouses yearn for us to rain the romantic blessings down on them, and yet sometimes they’re stuck with a flirtation-free Sahara.

Can you really keep romance alive when you’ve been married for 5, 20, or 45 years? Let’s turn to Song of Solomon for a glimpse of what romance in a marriage can look like…

For Husbands: Chase your Wife, She’s a catch!

1 One night as I lay in bed, I yearned for my lover.
I yearned for him, but he did not come.
2 So I said to myself, “I will get up and roam the city,
searching in all its streets and squares.
I will search for the one I love.”
So I searched everywhere but did not find him.
3 The watchmen stopped me as they made their rounds,
and I asked, “Have you seen the one I love?”
4 Then scarcely had I left them
when I found my love!
I caught and held him tightly,
then I brought him to my mother’s house,
into my mother’s bed, where I had been conceived.
Song of Solomon 3:1-4

Do you recall the thrill of pursuing your spouse when you first met? Romance is all about the chase: enticing, wooing, and persuading someone to “come hither”.

That chase shouldn’t stop once you’re married. Let your spouse know that even after “all these years”, you still desire, admire, and appreciate her.

Here are some practical ways to actively “seek the one your soul loves”:

For Wives: Praise Your Hubby, He’s the Most Beautiful Creature in the World

4 You are beautiful, my darling,
like the lovely city of Tirzah.
Yes, as beautiful as Jerusalem,
as majestic as an army with billowing banners.
5 Turn your eyes away,
for they overpower me.
Your hair falls in waves,
like a flock of goats winding down the slopes of Gilead.
6 Your teeth are as white as sheep
that are freshly washed.
Your smile is flawless,
each tooth matched with its twin.
7 Your cheeks are like rosy pomegranates
behind your veil.
Song of Solomon 6:4-7

Comparing your wife’s hair to a flock of goats or saying her nose looks like a tower may not invoke the most romantic interlude.

There are plenty of other ways you can lavish your praise on her, using today’s lingo.

Throughout Song of Solomon, both bride and groom wax eloquent with lengthy verbiage about the other’s physical features. In each other’s eyes, they were the most beautiful creatures to ever walk the earth.

Does your spouse know just how wonderful, attractive, and special you think he/she is? Do you make a point of repeating those sentiments on a regular basis?

As the years pass, your spouse will change. You may have trouble delivering the same complements as before. However, you can always find things to love about your spouse. If you feel as though you are constantly focusing on negative traits, take out a pen and paper and write a literal list of qualities you can praise.

Don’t let your spouse’s self-esteem shrivel up like a grape abandoned in scorching summer sunbeams for lack of romantic blessings. It’s your duty and privilege to make it rain!

Celebrate Sensual, Passionate Romantic Blessings with Your Snookums

4 You are beautiful, my darling,
like the lovely city of Tirzah.
Yes, as beautiful as Jerusalem,
as majestic as an army with billowing banners.
5 Turn your eyes away,
for they overpower me.
Your hair falls in waves,
like a flock of goats winding down the slopes of Gilead.
6 Your teeth are as white as sheep
that are freshly washed.
Your smile is flawless,
each tooth matched with its twin.
7 Your cheeks are like rosy pomegranates
behind your veil.
Song of Solomon 7:6-10

If there’s anything the book of Songs excels at, it’s helping us understand that sensual, passionate sex is one of the biggest romantic blessings between husband and wife. (Those descriptions above aren’t talking about picking fruit in a garden).

Bless your spouse with liberal slatherings of love. Shower him/her with passion, and treasure your spouse’s body.

Are you experiencing a sexual drought? Make passion bloom again by reading Song of Solomon together. Mix things up in the bedroom by trying new positions, aids, furniture, and toys.

Above all, remember God intended for marriage to be glorious! Celebrate this mysterious, wonderful gift together. It’s one of God’s most marvelous blessings.

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